Discover the Gift of

Deep Imagery

Personal Totem Pole Process®

 It opens a path to the hidden layers of self-awareness, guiding you to answers and the sources of your original vitality and wholeness.

Deep Imagery: a tool for genuine self-discovery

True growth begins when we dare to look beyond the surface of our thinking—into the realm of direct experience, physical sensation, and imagination.
These deeper layers hold the key to healing old patterns and uncovering
our true personal power.

Embark on a Journey
into the (un)known

Dare to step back into the world of deep imagery
- a place that once felt like home in your childhood.
Perhaps today, you can see yourself there more truly than ever before.


Deep healing is only possible in a safe space of trust

As children, we often lacked the full attention needed to feel truly seen in our experiences. This is why individual sessions serve as a vital tool for reconnecting with and nourishing our inner child.

Workshops & Lectures

The group field adds an additional valuable dimension

Typically, it helps individuals open up more easily to the field of imagination, enhancing their experience. Sharing in a circle allows for deeper integration and nourishes the tribal essence and root of this work.

Let your inner guides
show You the way

What You’ve said about the sessions...

I will never forget the day I trustingly immersed myself in Kája's safe space and allowed things to unfold.
Zuza K. 
Karolína’s presence radiates sensitivity, attentive patience, and respect—qualities one seeks when they want to look within.
Thanks to deep imagery, I discovered hidden fears and connected with my own strength.
Eliška Mabel 

Who will guide You?

My name is Karolína, and I will be your "external" guide
on your inner journeys.

With curiosity, I explore the depths we hold within ourselves. From my first experiences with deep imagery, I have felt at home in it.
It is a space I trust, and through that trust, I draw immense gifts from it.

With enthusiasm and love for the guiding role, I look forward to your unique story.

I will support you in deepening your connection with your space of imagination, so it can nourish you whenever you need it.

"The way in which the inner guides behave often deeply moves me. It seems that they understand our inner conditions and have access to information that neither I nor my clients are aware of. They know exactly at what pace the therapy should unfold. They act with great gentleness and expertise. Moreover, they have a sense of humor. They are the most intelligent and skilled therapists I’ve ever encountered. Not only do they care about a person's health, but they also strive to help them find their wholeness."

Steve Gallegos
Author of the Deep Imagery Method

Offer of Sessions and Price List

In-person in Brno or Online

No previous knowledge or skills are required for deep imagery sessions.

Session Topics: Simply come with curiosity to explore. This journey is ideal for you if you feel overwhelmed by constantly thinking about a problem and want to dive directly into
a deeper layer of yourself, viewing it from a fresh perspective.

Another option is a more systematic approach, for which the structure of "Personal Totem" by Steve Gallegos works well. It includes: chakra animals and the four-window animals of exploration.

The session's theme naturally arises from our initial conversation;
there's no need to prepare it in advance.

One Journey

For whom: Would you like to try imagery? Meet for a one-time session? Are you curious about how it works and what you can discover for yourself in it? Or are you coming with a specific issue from your life? In all cases, you’re in the right place.

  • Duration: 2 – 2.5 hours
  • Price: 1,900 CZK
  • Process: Introductory conversation,
    journey: 1.5 – 2 hours, closing
  • Gift voucher available

Small Package
(3 sessions)

For whom: Would you like to better orient yourself in your inner world? See the deeper connections of your personal story through deep imagery journeys? Are you drawn to gradually discover your "inner totem"? Let’s meet regularly.

  • 3x Journey: 2 – 2.5 hours
  • Price: 5,000 CZK
    (You save 700 CZK)
  • Payment at the first session
  • Gift voucher available

Big Package
(5 sessions +
2 consultations)

For whom: For your deeper and longer-term process supported by consultations, where we anchor the experiences from the imagery journeys into your everyday life. The order of session types is flexible, according to our agreement.

  • 5x Journey: 2 – 2.5 hours
    2x Consultation: 1.5 hours
  • Price: 11,000 CZK
    (You save 1,500 CZK)
  • Payment at the first session
  • Gift voucher available

Booking and Cancellation Policy

Once you contact me, I will provide you with available dates for our session (online/Santría – Brno).
To confirm your reservation, a deposit of 300 CZK must be paid no later than 48 hours before the session.
Payment details will be sent to you via email. The remaining amount can be paid on-site in cash or via QR code.
The same booking conditions apply to Consultations.
If you require an invoice, please let me know.

In addition to Deep Imagery Journeys, I also offer

Individual consultations (before or after a Journey)

A consultation is a space for our therapeutic conversation. Deep imagery journeys may open up topics you'd like to discuss with me, and that’s exactly what consultations are for - your needs determine the focus.

It can also help you better navigate the method itself, which can be especially valuable in the beginning, offering support and courage to build trust in the process. Together, we can revisit key moments from your journey, tune into them again, and explore anything connected to your experience.

At the same time, it's an opportunity to reflect on events and insights that emerged after the journey.

For whom: A consultation ideally expands and grounds our work in the Journeys. However, it can also serve as an introductory or closing session in our collaboration.

  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Price: 1,500 CZK
  • Gift voucher available

Note: This is not an interpretation of imaginative images, we fully respect their unique language.

Stay in touch or ask anything

Mgr. Karolína Šrámková
+420 721 365 343

Adress for idividual sessions:
Santría, Šámalova 735/93, Brno - Židenice

Billing information:
Mgr. Karolína Šrámková
Slunečná 418, 549 54, Police nad Metují
IČO: 17213428, VAT non-payer
Entrepreneur registered with the Trade Licensing Office in Náchod